Thursday, June 14, 2012

Added knockback effect: sends effectee flying backwards a certain distance or until they hit something they can't pass - in which case they take damage unmitigated by defense.
Added berserk effect: increases speed and hp, but decreases vision and takes dp(action).
Added ogres: they berserk if they take any damage, and do increasing knockback based on their hp.

This was a lot of fun to watch and test: after the recent combat changes, the player by default can't do enough to damage to pierce the generic enemy's defense. So to kill any of them, I needed to setup an enemy between myself and a wall and then hit them into it for knockback damage.

Ogres are really, really tough. I setup berserk so that you gain an initial 50% HP, but you lose 10% every time you can act. Berserk lasts for 5 of your initial turns. So for a monster with 10 HP, you'd go to 15 HP, but rapidly lose 1 HP for 10 of your turns (as you're moving at double speed), until you end berserk at 5 HP. The problem is ogres have pretty high defense and hit hard in addition to their knockback damage - if you're stuck in a corner ogres will drop your HP incredibly quickly. Even with the player getting 10x their HP, and 2x their base attack I still died to a single ogre. Not really a monster to mess around with especially without ranged attacks.

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